Use of CC0 License and Public Domain

How We Use Public Domain Images Legally

The images featured in our store are carefully sourced from public domain collections, including those from renowned international museums and my original collection of artworks. These public domain works are either in the public domain due to their age or have been made available through open access by the institutions holding them.

To ensure these images can be freely shared and used, we release them under a CC0 (Creative Commons Zero) license. This means the artworks are not subject to copyright restrictions and can be legally used, modified, and redistributed by anyone. By using a CC0 license, we are confirming that the images are free of copyright claims, allowing you to enjoy and use them without concerns about infringement.

In essence, by sourcing and enhancing these works, we ensure that all images on our site are legally clear for commercial and personal use, and you are free to use, print, or display them without worrying about violating any copyright laws.

This should help clarify the legal basis behind how you use the images, ensuring customers feel confident in the authenticity and legality of the content they're purchasing.